Feel the fear and do it anyway

Feel the fear and do it anyway

I’ve been going deep into esoteric literature these past two weeks, exploring transurfing as a way to help me reach my potential.

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When I first heard about it, I thought it was magic. I resonated with the author talking about being able to speak to animals and see aura when we were little. I can still feel human and of animal energies, but only if I am paying attention.

Nevertheless this was just what I was looking for. The first two days following the discovery I listened to the audio books non-stop.

It made complete sense to me to view the world through the lens of transurfing more so than through our regular programmed reality lens. At this point in my life I just couldn't see myself having a “regular life” any longer. It takes time to digest the material so I went over it several times and will continue to do so, but after about a month I think have summarized the main lessons.

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Consciously choose your life path

In our lives we have to be conscious of what we are doing. I’ve caught myself in a trance several times recently. And some trances are good, like while I’m writing, but not while I’m talking to friends. Being conscious in your life means figuring out exactly what you want to do and doing it, despite all the ney-sayers. It’s important to get people’s perspective’s on things, but only for the purpose of learning. If something makes you ecstatic, you know it is your soul crying out in joy. And once you’ve found that something, make it yours.

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Play your own game

Pendulums have nothing on you. Pendulums are a big part of the teachings of transurfing. They can be anything that people pay attention to or think about. Alcohol, sport tournaments, a make-up trend, a political scandal, racism, et cetera. The most important lesson is to not give energy to all the pendulums that do not serve your purpose, that do not add to your life’s path.

And the best advise, is to play your own game.

As long as you are playing other people’s games you are bound to give energy to the pendulums. Staying away from destructive pendulums like alcohol and consumption of animals is one of the best things I’ve done for myself, which in turn has freed up a lot of time to do the work I am meant to do. When the pendulums try to loop you in again, remember to stay indifferent. in fact stay somewhat indifferent to everything. It is the excessive wanting or not wanting that creates “excessive potential”. Our world has a way of balancing these energies. All our thoughts are physical, it is believed. Whatever you fear comes true because you made a sort of wish, essentially attracting it into your life. And when you keep on wishing for something, that comes true as well, the world gives you, yourself wishing for something.

Make a movie in your head

Old patterns of thinking are difficult to break and here transurfing has been able to guide me as well. Without even realizing it I’ll often start to get angry or think about things that are irrelevant and useless to my purpose or goals. When we learn a new way of life we initially feel extremely excited and grateful, full of energy and ready to apply the principles in real life. Yet something happens, that energy fades and this is where the work begins. We have to harness the knowledge and use it daily, reminding ourselves of how lucky we are that we have it as we practise what we learnt. Whenever negative emotions or thoughts creep in, we must substitute them with a movie of our life, the way we imagine it, exactly the way we want it adding as much detail as possible. We are the producer and the main actor of the film.

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Give that, which you want to receive

The lesson for lovers, friends, and families alike is you must to give to receive. It is a very simple lesson. If you want unconditional love and someone to take care of you for example, you have to give that love and care. But there is a caveat, do not try to control the scenario. While unconditional love does come once you give that love to others, you cannot manifest a specific person’s unconditional love. While the world is vast and in the realm of possibilities anything is possible, each person is an energy centre capable of directing energy the same as you. You can have anything you wish, but do not focus on specific individuals as they may feel your wanting and oppose it, push it away.

Just do it

I have planned, created, and prepared so many possibilities, scenarios, overflowing with ideas. Yet I stopped myself from manifesting even 1% of all that, because of fear. It made me freeze in my tracks. But after I’ve consciously travelled more, experiencing different aspects of life, I taught myself to just feel the fear and do it anyway.

With time that fear becomes smaller and smaller until the point when you think of yourself, back then, and wonder what was stopping you, wonder why you didn’t do this sooner. The fear is now foreign and your new reality — is all around you. Magic.love.energy.

For Russian speakers you can listen to Vadim Zeland on YouTube or get the books. There are excellent translations and blogs written on the subject as well.




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